
  • Webinar: Advantages of the NSA
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    Webinar: Advantages of the NSA

    The National Spanish Assessment (NSA) is an online, standardized assessment tool which tests both achievement and proficiency via computer-graded and rater-graded modules for students studying the Spanish language and is administered by the National Spanish Examinations (NSE), a program of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). This tool for teachers was originally created in 2018, written from the…

    Read more: Webinar: Advantages of the NSA
  • Lingco Language Labs

    Lingco Language Labs

    The NSE National Office is pleased to have partnered with Lingco Language Labs (an adaptive language instruction platform built from the ground-up for instructors to easily be able to create, assign, and grade content for their respective language courses) to facilitate the National Spanish Exam, National Portuguese Exam, National Spanish Challenge, and National Spanish Assessments…

    Read more: Lingco Language Labs

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The AATSP Exams (NSE) promotes language proficiency and recognizes achievements in the studies of Spanish & Portuguese. Learn More >

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The AATSP Exams (NSE) office enjoys bringing educators and students into the spotlight in appreciation of their dedication to the teaching and learning of Spanish, Portuguese, and their respective cultures. Fill out this form to nominate someone who should be recognized!


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