Awards for Teachers
We are committed to providing teachers with opportunities to continue their professional development so as to design instruction and assessments from first-hand learning experiences. Teachers who participate in the National Spanish Exam (NSE), National Spanish Challenge (NSC), National Portuguese Exam (NPE), and/or the National Spanish Assessment (NSA) are eligible to apply for AATSP Exams (NSE) Teacher Awards.

AATSP Conference Stipends
Professional Development Opportunity
Teachers who are AATSP Members and administer one of our exams (the NSE, the NPE, the NSC, or the NSA) are eligible to apply for a stipend to attend the Annual AATSP Conference.

Travel Abroad with The Pulsera Project
Cultural Development Opportunity
The scholarship is provided through our collaboration with The Pulsera Project and may include excursions to Antigua and Panajachel. Food, lodging, local transportation, and insurance are all included. In addition, a stipend of $400.00 will be given to help offset airfare cost.

AATSP Program Support Award
Professional Engagement Opportunity
Teachers who participate in the AATSP Exams and in any of the following AATSP programs: Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad, Sociedade Honorária de Língua Portuguesa, K-12 Poster Contest, and/or Higher Ed Photography Contest, can apply for an award valued at $250 to provide partial support of ceremonies, regalia, classroom/art projects and activities, and more.
Who can apply?
Teachers who are AATSP Members and are actively registered to administer at least one of our exams are eligible to apply. Teachers must also have at least 1 year of teaching experience and be a current full-time Spanish or Portuguese teacher. Please note that other requirements, such as passports and vaccinations, may be required for travel. Teachers that have not won an AATSP Exams (NSE) award during the previous academic year may apply.
Teacher Blogs
Enjoy these wonderful teacher blogs from their experiences as past winners of NSE Teacher Scholarships and Stipends.

Roberto Cardenas
Elgin High School
4 Years of Experience
4 Years Giving the NSE

Angélica Cuellar
Ridgewood High School
19 Years of Experience
2 Years Giving the NSE

Thomas Powers
Montgomery Bell Academy
9 Years of Experience
6 Years Giving the NSE

Emily Kammerer
Andrews Middle School
5 Years Experience
3 Years Giving the NSE

Teresa Fannell
Livingston High School
14 Years of Experience
3 Years Giving the NSE

Alexandra Gutiérrez
Xavier College Preparatory School
8 Years of Experience
5 Years Giving the NSE

Elizabeth Owens
Walnut Hills High School
11 Years of Experience
7 Years Giving the NSE

Anastacio Aranda-Rodriguez
Illinois Math & Science Academy
5 Years of Experience
1 Year Giving the NSE

Salvatore Reginaldo
Tom C. Clark High School
19 Years of Experience
5 Years Giving the NSE

Sayra Santillanes
Bright Star Secondary Charter
4 Years of Experience
4 Years Giving the NSE

Nicole Thompson
New Berlin West High School
4 Years of Experience
3 Years Giving the NSE

Rachel Carlisle
Westlane Middle School
7 Years of Experience
3 Year Giving the NSE

Theodore Clunie
Lebanon High School
5 Years of Experience
2 Years Giving the NSE

Claudia Cordero
Holman Middle School
16 Years of Experience
5 Years Giving the NSE

Kimberly Hall
Friendswood Junior High School
15 Years of Experience
3 Years Giving the NSE

Jeanette Robinson
Pleasantville High School
9 Years of Experience
3 Year Giving the NSE

Danielle Scala
Metuchen High School
8 Years of Experience
2 Years Giving the NSE

Michael Bogdan
Boiling Springs High School
11 Years of Experience
7 Years Giving the NSE

Anne Karakash
Franklin Academy High School
17 Years of Experience
9 Years Giving the NSE

Amanda Ketterhagen
Hinsdale Central High School
9 Years of Experience
5 Year Giving the NSE

Valerie Lakestream
Pelham Middle School
3 Years of Experience
3 Years Giving the NSE

Teresa Pione
St. Gabriel’s Catholic School
9 Years of Experience
6 Years Giving the NSE

Cathy Sparks
Valparaiso High School
18 Years of Experience
3 Years Giving the NSE

Colleen Vallin
Hinsdale Central High School
9 Years of Experience
5 Year Giving the NSE

Become a Member
The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) promotes the study and teaching of the Spanish and Portuguese languages and their corresponding Hispanic, Luso-Brazilian, and other related literatures and cultures at all levels of education.