How Scoring Works


Scores & Percentiles

Yearly Averages show overall student performance on the most recent NSE, while Yearly Percentile charts help convert raw scores into percentile rankings.

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How It Works

What’s The Difference?
Percentage and percentile are two different concepts. While the percentage shows the individual score out of 100, the percentile shows a comparison. Percentage tells us the value in terms of 100, and percentile is a relative quantity that shows us a comparison of the given value with the rest of the data which is lesser than the given specific value.

For example, if a student scores 43 points out of a weight of 60, then their percentage is expressed as 72%. On the other hand, if the student’s percentile in an examination is given as 75, this means that they scored better than 75% of the students who sat for the exam in the same year, level, and category.