Student Accommodations
AATSP Exams (NSE) is committed to helping students with disabilities receive appropriate modifications when taking any of our National Examinations.
Application for Modifications
Students with a documented disability may be eligible for modifications on any of the exams given by AATSP Exams as long as:
1. The student has documentation on file at school that supports the need for the requested modification. This documentation does not need to be submitted to the AATSP Exams, unless specifically requested by the AATSP Exams.
2. The student regularly uses these modifications for tests in the classroom.
The Application for Student Modifications must be filled out by December 15th.
Modifications Available
There are three (3) types of modifications available via the AATSP Exams Office:
Presentation Accommodations
These two types of students may need assistance with the Presentation of Test Directions and Questions:
Visually Impaired Students
Depending upon the nature of the impairment, there are several options for visually impaired students (large print, visual magnification, Braille). AATSP Exams will work with the school’s special education department to determine the means of presentation which is in the best interest of the student.
Hearing Impaired Students
Students who have a hearing impairment may request a script for the listening portion of the proficiency part of the examination. AATSP Exam’s policy is to provide a script only if the school has a qualified person to provide transliteration. * Transliteration is defined as the process of taking a message and expressing it in a different form of the same language (signing/lip reading in Spanish).
Response Accommodations
Some students may require special modifications in how they submit answers for the test. The AATSP Exams Office will work with the school’s Special Education Department to determine the means of response which is in the best interest of the student.
Options for Response Accommodations
There are two options for Student Response:
• The student can dictate their own answers to a qualified scribe provided by the school.
• The student can submit their answers directly on a printed version of the test.
Time Accommodations
Since AATSP Exams regularly monitors the time that students take to complete each section of the exam (40 minutes maximum on each test), the AATSP Exams must keep a record of students who require extra time to complete the examination.
AATSP Exams honors requests from students for extended time on the NSE/NPE provided that (1) the student has documentation on file with the school that supports the need for extended time and (2) the student regularly is given extra time on classroom tests. AATSP Exams has the right to request such documentation at any time, and schools must provide this information if requested. Failure to provide documentation upon request will result in disqualification of the student’s score.
How to Request Extra Time
Form Method
The registering teacher must follow these steps in order:
- Fill out the application for modifications individually (per student) for students requiring extra time on the National Spanish or Portuguese Exam.
- Then, grant extra time to each student who requires additional time on Lingco following these instructions.
Email Method
Please e-mail the National Spanish Examinations Office ([email protected]) with the information outlined below, and wait for further instructions:
- Subject Line including the teacher’s Registration Confirmation/Invoice number and the words “Extended Time”. [Eg: #00615 Extended Time]
- Message including the Teacher’s name, Registration Confirmation/Invoice number, and full names of students and Levels of students
For Example:
To: [email protected]
Subject: #00615 Extended Time Request
Hello, my name is Kevin Cessna – Invoice #00615
The following students require extra time:
– Monica Jones – Level 1
– John Smith – Level 3
– Alex Thompson – Level 3